Translating Messages From Heads To Hearts

Day 18 (09-15-22) Vienna

Today (Thursday) is another travel day. We got up and worked on finishing blog posts, and repacking our “stuff” for the trip. It’s pretty surprising how good you can get at packing when you carry all your worldly possessions in one carry-on sized suitcase and one backpack for day travels. Since checkout was at 10am, we were up and out by then. So, we had about a 15-minute walk to the train station. In the rain. Fortunately, Sherry had the foresight to buy rain ponchos for each of us, so we were able to cover our small backpacks, and not worry about the carry-on luggage, because it is (supposedly) waterproof, or at least rainproof.

At the entrance to the station, we had an opportunity to buy one of the Polish daily items, a pretzel that is unique to Poland, or maybe just to Krakow? Anyway, we’d been trying to find one of the stands that sold the pretzels NOT made with pork fat. Since we never found it, we indulged in one of the pretzels WITH pork fat. This, despite the fact neither Sherry nor I have had any meat for the past 5 years or so . . .

To digress a moment, we’ve also struggled to find good coffee. In London, we found the best “flat white” we’d had. Since then, not so much. Coffee in Bruges was OK, but didn’t measure up to London’s Black Sheep Coffee. In neither Monschau, Cologne, Prague, nor Krakow have we found good coffee. The best we’ve found in Krakow is a flat white in MacDonald’s of all places – and it isn’t that great either! Looking forward to some good Viennese coffee!

Now back to the pretzel. Once we got into the Shopping Center attached to the Train Station, we got our “Mackers” (MacDonald’s) flat whites and I downed mine pretty quickly – and ate half of the PORK FAT PRETZEL. Within about 30 minutes, I was ready to barf. Oh. My. Gosh. I was stunned to realize what an impact this had on me. 2 hours later and 1 chamomile tea down and I was back to normal!

We’re on the train now for our 6-hour transit to Vienna. We’ll arrive at about 8pm and trek to our hostel. 


More later . . .

4 thoughts on “Day 18 (09-15-22) Vienna”

  1. Pork fat rules according to Emeral Lagassi. You guys looks so happy in most of the pictures except of of course the concentration camps. I’ve always wanted to see Vienna. Post pretty pictures.

    1. Terri . . . Emeril Lagasse is not my hero :-). We are definitely thriving! We’re also only posting a handful of the pictures, not wanting to bore people. Once home, We’ll show you the whole lot!

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