Translating Messages From Heads To Hearts

OK, so now I’m going to post some more information I sent to some email friends, but thought it might be good to have available for the whole world to see . . . So much has happened since we returned from Uganda. Some good . . . and some not so good. I’ll see […]

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We were in Uganda for 6 weeks this past summer, not with any particular agency. About 3 or 4 years ago, we really started getting restless, wondering what the last half of our work life would (or maybe should) look like.�We both�felt like we had tasted what America calls “success,” and found it lacking. Part

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“Africance” – September 28, 2005 Ah, so you wonder what the name means, do you? Well, a couple years ago, Sherry and I decided that the Great American Dream wasn’t so dreamy for us. We began to ask questions . . . questions like, “Why do we in America have so much and those in

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