Translating Messages From Heads To Hearts

Scotland? . . . How Could We Almost Not Make It Here?


New College Edinburgh

Everywhere you look, history and beauty scream at you. Centuries melt into a swirl of creativity and medieval personality. I love this place!

My friend Jerry said it was one of the most beautiful places he’d ever visited. I listened, mostly unmoved, thinking he might be exaggerating. But. Oh. My. Gosh. This place is unreal. 

Waverley Train Station

It’s been cold and rainy and windy. Average temps have been in the 40’s and low 50’s. But with sweaters and jackets, gloves and scarves (yes, I’ve worn gloves and a scarf!), it’s not only bearable but easily managed. But the majesty of this place is overwhelming.

St Giles Cathedral

Imagine walking through the square where 500 years ago, men and women were tortured and then executed – all as public spectacles of what happens to “evil” people? Just behind the white van in this photo, that’s exactly what took place, all too often; and frequently for all the wrong reasons.

“Witches” were burned at stakes in this square; thieves had their hands cut off. Others had their heads removed; maybe for treason – or simply for believing the wrong way about what it meant to follow God.

Our little visit to the Writer’s Museum gave life to the notion that location can genuinely inform and encourage creativity. We saw stories and artifacts from the lives of Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns. All affirming how Edinburgh had shaped their minds and their work!


We went from Edinburgh to Inverness. Again, a magical place, small town – maybe like a village, really.  There are a slew of tiny, quaint shops that cater mostly to touristy types, but the people – they’re so friendly! Unlike almost anyplace else we’ve been, the people of Inverness seem to go out of their way to smile, greet and welcome you. The scenery is beautiful as well. 

Isle of skye

One of my running buddies said that if we got to Scotland, we MUST visit the Isle of Skye. On Sunday this week, we did just that. It was a 3-hour bus ride each way to the little town of Portree and gosh, was it worth it! One little glitch that we didn’t count on was that nearly EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS IN PORTREE was CLOSED ON SUNDAY. After we arrived just before noon, we found nothing but a couple souvenir shops, a couple restaurants and a supermarket open for business. But we walked. And walked. And circled the town. And took pictures. And ate the best Fish ‘n Chips we’ve ever tasted. I must have taken 50 photos, but I’ll spare you and only show a couple . . .

Tomorrow, it’s on to Glasgow for just 2 nights before we head down to Windermere, a little town in the UK’s Lake District. 

4 thoughts on “Scotland? . . . How Could We Almost Not Make It Here?”

  1. WOW….love all the pictures. While looking at all your pictures I was surprised there were very few people in the background. Are these considered small towns? Was everyone at work? We’re they still in bed? Was it too cold out? Is this not a normal tourist destination? So many of the other places were buzzing with people so this seemed unusual to see. I used to live on Inverness!!!
    (In Rossmoor that is). Glad to hear all is going well for you guys…. I was a little disappointed to hear you wore gloves though 😜…. (Hopefully you still had shorts on). Looking forward to hearing all your stories and seeing all your pictures when you get back. We continue to pray for your health and safety……

    See you soon …….

    1. All the pics from Isle of Skye were exactly as you suggest . . . no one around. Everything was closed on Sunday. Also they wear kilts there. And it is REALLY cold. Enough said?

      Looking forward to connecting with you in person!

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