Reading Galatians this morning, I was reminded of how often we try to do things on our own, rather than waiting on the Lord. Paul talks about being led by the Spirit (5:16) in contrast to living according to what the flesh wants. It made me realize how often I try to “make it happen” because I want to see some particular outcome, reach a milestone, or control some circumstances. I’m not sure I’ve learned how to truly trust the Spirit. Makes me wonder what trusting and walking in the Spirit looks like . . .
“Walk in the Spirit and you won’t fulfil the lusts of the flesh” How?
We cast out demons (Mt 12:28)
We baptize in the Name of . . . The Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19)
He speaks through us when we’re in trouble (Mk 13:11)
He’s given by the Father when asked (Lk 11:13)
He teaches us what to say (Lk 12:12)
He’s the Author of the 2nd birth (Jn 3:5)
He’s the Living Water that bubbles up from within us (Jn 7:38)
He’s the Helper, the Spirit of truth, IN US! (Jn 14:16)
He gives us orders through the Spirit (Acts 1:1)
These are but a few of the instances showing how the Spirit works, mostly from the New Testament. But one thing becomes abundantly clear; we have to ask for Him. It is only as we ask for Him to work in us that we will see the results of His working in and through us.
So what about goal-setting — where does that fit? Here we are on the brink of 2025, when people set all kinds of resolutions for the coming year. Are they Spirit-inspired? Or are they simply some thing(s) we wish for? Is there a difference? For me, the bottom line — at least for today, is that I’m ASKING for the Spirit to guide and direct me. I’m Asking and Expecting for Jesus to fulfill His promise to give us the Spirit.
If it’s true that we have the mind of Christ, doesn’t that mean that the thoughts I think are His will? Yes, they are — when I’ve asked specifically for Him to intervene and give me His thoughts.
When are your thoughts His thoughts . . . And when aren’t they? Surely you have some (Spirit-inspired?) thoughts on this. What are they? Hit me up with your perspectives on this.
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun it grows brighter and brighter until the noon day.
When I see darkness in my path it is a warning sign that I have moved from the path. I must seek Gods direction every day to keep me on the path that leads to life (ps16:11). Because in His presence is fullness of joy! As I practice this warning, seeking, adjusting my path it has become first nature as I walk minute to minute through the day. It is the same as driving to work nd home the same way for 10 years. After awhile we get home and can’t even remember how we got there. It is muscle memory to seek Gods guidance all along the path that leads to life. Because Jesus said “I am the way,(path) the truth, (revelation), the life (our goal). This to is dwelling in the kingdom of heaven!
Amen, brother!