This wasn’t the only wedding I’ve ever been to . . . But it might just be the best one. Last night, Jeff (JT) Timblin officiated; Reagan and Jordan each shared their “15-second testimonies” of not just their faith journey, but of the way God wove their lives together over a period of about four years — despite doubt on Jordan’s part (mostly because he was older than Reagan) and shyness on Reagan’s part.
As is consistent with both Reagan’s and Jordan’s hearts, everything was done in a way that demonstrated their love for the guests they’d invited. This was without a doubt the first time I felt like I actually participated in a wedding, rather than watching as things unfolded to make it “the Bride’s and Groom’s perfect day.” It was clear from the moment we arrived that Jordan and Reagan were just as concerned about making it a perfect day for us, their guests — as they were to make it their own. Who thinks highly enough of their guests to provide child care at a wedding? I’ve never seen or heard of such a thing!
In the short time I’ve known Jordan, I am consistently amazed as I observe a man who is recklessly abandoned to Jesus, who has counted the cost (not the least of which is playing professional basketball) of that abandonment, and is daily living on life’s edge, always waiting on the Spirit’s guidance for his next steps. From my perspective, Jordan appears to be absolutely unafraid of challenges and has prepared well for the spiritual battles he faces. Reagan is gentle, but firm in her faith and the kind of godly woman Sherry and I are honored to call “Friend.” I’m so thankful that Jordan and Reagan included Sherry and me in their “Put a Stake in the Ground” day that will set the course for the rest of their lives! Looking at the men and women all around us, we were incredibly honored to stand behind so many giants of the faith in committing to hold Reagan and Jordan up before the Throne of Grace!
Thank you, Jordan and Reagan for your friendship, for the examples of your lives, and for including us in your special day! (Here’s where Jordan and Reagan tell their own stories!)