Translating Messages From Heads To Hearts

Men’s Ponytails and Man Buns: 1 Brave Man’s Rant

Alright, men, grab your coffee (first crack Guatemalan, anyone?) and settle in for a little ride. I’m got some thoughts about men’s ponytails and man buns that make my gray hair stand on end! Could be just another old man’s rant, but see if you agree with me.

Have you noticed a peculiar phenomenon sweeping across the male population lately? I’m talking about the curious case of men—particularly those in my “mature and seasoned” demographic—who seem determined to channel their inner William Wallace. Yes, I’m raising an eyebrow at you, sir, with the wispy ponytail trailing down your otherwise distinguished back!

Old Man Scrawny Ponytail

Let me paint you a picture: There I am, out for my morning constitutional along the Huntington Beach boardwalk, squinting into the California sunshine, when I spot a figure ahead. Is it a fellow walker? Runner? A beach-goer? A man? A woman? The mystery unfolds as I get closer, only to discover it’s actually (we’ll call him “Bob”) from my Bible study—sporting what can only be described as maybe half a dozen lonely strands of hair “lovingly” gathered into a rubber band and dangling proudly from an otherwise barren scalp.

Long Hair on men?

I know. Back in the ‘70s it was cool and rebellious to sport long hair. I did it too, for a time . . . But then I became an adult. Is it about identity? Is it about being cool? Let’s remember that if we belong to Christ, we find our identity in Him, not in any cultural expression (2 Cor 5:17).

Brothers, what on earth are we doing here? When did we collectively decide that the solution to male pattern baldness was not dignified acceptance but rather nursing those remaining 17 hairs into a statement piece? It’s like watching someone try to make a full-size quilt from a handkerchief! Was Paul just joking when he said, “Isn’t it obvious that it’s disgraceful for a man to have long hair? (1 Cor 11:14 NLT). Spoiler alert: Jesus probably did NOT have long hair like He’s portrayed in all the artwork from the Middle Ages. In Paul’s day and in the early church, short hair on men was the look of the day.

Are Man Buns Cool?

And don’t get me started on the “man bun” situation. After 53 years of marriage, I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a marriage work, and I can assure you—my high school sweetheart didn’t fall for me because she thought, “Now there’s a fellow who could rock a topknot!”

Man Bun

Now, I’m not suggesting we all march down to the barber for military-grade buzz cuts. There are certainly cultural exceptions—our Native American brothers have a beautiful tradition with their long hair, and I’ve seen some magnificent tribal hairstyles during my global travels that carry deep cultural significance. That’s not what I’m talking about here.

What concerns me is the blurring of lines in a world already confused about gender. As Christian men who believe in the biblical design of male and female, shouldn’t we be more intentional about how we present ourselves? We stand firm on marriage being between one biological male and one biological female. We speak up about protecting women’s spaces. Yet somehow, we think nothing of showing up to Sunday service with hairstyles that have our grandkids asking, “Is that Grandpa or Grandma?”

Ponytails Are For . . . Girls. Not Men.

In a culture where gender distinctions are increasingly dismissed, perhaps our appearance matters more than we realize. This isn’t about legalism or rigid rules—it’s about thoughtful consideration of how we represent manhood in a confused world.

So gentlemen, I say this with brotherly love and a touch of humor: Perhaps it’s time to reconsider that stringy ponytail. Embrace the distinguished look of a man who’s earned every year (and lost every hair) with grace. After all, Galatians 2:20 reminds us of our true identity in Christ—and I’m pretty sure that identity doesn’t require accessorizing with a scrunchie.

Now, I suspect this will spark some further discussion . . . so, who’s up for some coffee and keeping this going? I’ve got beans roasting and plenty more opinions to share! Let me know what you think about men’s ponytails and man-buns.

4 thoughts on “Men’s Ponytails and Man Buns: 1 Brave Man’s Rant”

  1. Wow Rick…. Where do I start unpacking all this? Let’s start with my opinion of agreement with what you are saying. I believe God created long hair to be an adornment for women (and Samson or any other Nazirite). I also sported longer hair in the 70’s which I thought looked pretty cool. But for me, the gender identity crisis actually started with men wearing earrings. I just couldn’t wrap my head around men piercing their ears and inserting jewelry in them. It just seemed feminine to me and not something cool to do. Then those earrings became giant hula hoop holes in their ears (super crazy to me). If we keep going, we might as well add tattoos to the pony tail, man buns, and earrings.

    Now just to be clear, I don’t believe any of these things are salvation issues. I know good Christian men with tattoos but what I believe you are stating here is how we represent our faith. I remember as a kid going to church wearing my Sunday best. My dad, brother, and I wore suits, ties, spit shined shoes, and slicked hair (short just to be clear) while mom wore a fancy dress. Those days we were taught to bring our best before God. It seemed like during the 70’s, church apparel started changing during the Chuck Smith Calvary Chapel surfer / hippie movement (which I was thankful for). Salvation came to a group of lost souls searching for the Truth thanks to Chuck breaking the stereotype of what that generation thought Christians were.

    Now let’s bring this home. There are a lot of things as a Christian man I believe don’t edify the church (my brothers or sisters in Christ). But, because I don’t like (or understand) them, doesn’t mean I have earned the right to judge them (even though I often do). There will be only 1 judge in the end and that Jesus himself. Until that day comes, I will try to be like Paul when he said this,

    “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭

    I will keep trying to give my body to God while not judging others for what they do!
    Now about that coffee, can I trade it for a Mountian Dew?

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